How many single people are there? Are more American adults married or unmarried? How many people are staying single for life? What about rates of remarrying? These and many other demographic trends – along with discussions of their meanings – have been topics of my writings. Here are some links.

Demographics: Number of Single People, Rates of Remarrying, etc., and What It All Means

The rise of single people (graphs documenting historical trends)

Around the world, marriage is declining, singlehood is rising

Half of the men in the US who marry for the first time are over 30

People who never married: Are there more women or men?

America is a singles nation – or is it?

What has changed for single Americans in the past decade?

Living single longer is a global phenomenon

Wedding porn doesn’t turn us on: Age at first marriage has never been higher

Reports of new Census data on marriage

7 stunning ways life was different in the 1960s

What is the divorce rate, really?

Divorce rates have fallen, but not among Boomers

What is the meaning of these demographic trends?

A half-century of fewer people marrying: What explains it?

Half of single people don’t want a romantic relationship or even a date

What single women really want

How many Americans want to be single? Results from 5 studies

Why do we glorify marriage when record numbers are single?

Bestselling author calls the rise of singles a BDD – big demographic deal

The end of marriage

Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After
